
This page provides examples that will help you learn the package’s API.


The package is in heavy development. If something does not work as is show here, it is likely the API changed but the docs didn’t. Submit an issue at the GitHub repository and the docs will be updated.

The Rosenbrock Function

The following is a very simple example, and you can find the source code for its latest version in the GitHub repository.

We will optimize the Rosenbrock cost function. For this we must define a Configuration that represents the arguments to be tuned. We also have to create and configure a tuning run. First, let’s import NODAL.jl and define the cost function:


import NODAL

@everywhere begin
    using NODAL
    function rosenbrock(x::Configuration, parameters::Dict{Symbol, Any})
        return (1.0 - x["i0"].value)^2 + 100.0 * (x["i1"].value - x["i0"].value^2)^2

We use the addprocs() function to add the default number of Julia workers, one per processing core, to our application. The import statement loads NODAL.jl in the current Julia worker, and the @everywhere macro defines the rosenbrock function and the module in all Julia workers available.

Cost functions must accept a Configuration and a Dict{Symbol, Any} as input. The Configuration is used to define the autotuner’s search space, and the parameter dictionary can store data or function configurations.

Our cost function simply ignores the parameter dictionary, and uses the "i0" and "i1" parameters of the received configuration to calculate a value. There is no restriction on the names of Configuration parameter.

Our configuration will have two FloatParameters, which will be Float64 values constrained to an interval. The intervals are [-2.0, 2.0] for both parameters, and their values start at 0.0. Since we already used the names "i0" and "i1", we name the parameters the same way:

configuration = Configuration([FloatParameter(-2.0, 2.0, 0.0, "i0"),
                               FloatParameter(-2.0, 2.0, 0.0, "i1")],

Now we must configure a new tuning run using the Run type. There are many parameters to configure, but they all have default values. Since we won’t be using them all, please see Run’s source for further details:

tuning_run = Run(cost                = rosenbrock,
                 starting_point      = configuration,
                 stopping_criterion  = elapsed_time_criterion,
                 report_after        = 10,
                 reporting_criterion = elapsed_time_reporting_criterion,
                 duration            = 60,
                 methods             = [[:simulated_annealing 1];
                                        [:iterative_first_improvement 1];
                                        [:iterated_local_search 1];
                                        [:randomized_first_improvement 1];
                                        [:iterative_greedy_construction 1];])

The methods array defines the search methods, and their respective number of instances, that will be used in this tuning run. This example uses one instance of every implemented search technique. The search will start at the point defined by starting_point.

The stopping_criterion parameter is a function. It tells your autotuner when to stop iterating. The two default criteria implemented are elapsed_time_criterion and iterations_criterion. The reporting_criterion parameter is also function, but it tells your autotuner when to report the current results. The two default implementations are elapsed_time_reporting_criterion and iterations_reporting_criterion. Take a look at the code if you want to dive deeper.

We are ready to start autotuning, using the @spawn macro. For more information on how parallel and distributed computing works in Julia, please check the Julia Docs. This macro call will run the optimize method, which receives a tuning run configuration and runs the search techniques in the background. The autotuner will write its results to a RemoteChannel stored in the tuning run configuration:

@spawn optimize(tuning_run)
result = take!(tuning_run.channel)

The tuning run will use the default neighboring and perturbation methods implemented by NODAL.jl to find new results. Now we can process the current result. In this example we just print it and loop until optimize is done:

while !result.is_final
    result = take!(tuning_run.channel)

Running the complete example, we get:

$ julia --color=yes rosenbrock.jl
Cost              : 1.0
Found in Iteration: 1
Current Iteration : 1
Technique         : Initialize
Function Calls    : 1
Cost              : 1.0
Found in Iteration: 1
Current Iteration : 3973
Technique         : Initialize
Function Calls    : 1
Current Iteration : 52289
Technique         : Iterative First Improvement
Function Calls    : 455
Cost              : 0.01301071782455056
Found in Iteration: 10
Current Iteration : 70282
Technique         : Randomized First Improvement
Function Calls    : 3940
Cost              : 0.009463518035824526
Found in Iteration: 11
Current Iteration : 87723
Technique         : Randomized First Improvement
Function Calls    : 4594
[Final Result]
Cost                  : 0.009463518035824526
Found in Iteration    : 11
Current Iteration     : 104261
Technique             : Randomized First Improvement
Function Calls        : 4594
Starting Configuration:
  name      : rosenbrock_config
    name : i0
    min  : -2.000000
    max  : 2.000000
    value: 1.100740
    name : i1
    min  : -2.000000
    max  : 2.000000
    value: 1.216979
Minimum Configuration :
  name      : rosenbrock_config
    name : i0
    min  : -2.000000
    max  : 2.000000
    value: 0.954995
    name : i1
    min  : -2.000000
    max  : 2.000000
    value: 0.920639


The Rosenbrock function is by no means a good autotuning objetive, although it is a good tool to help you get familiar with the API. NODAL.jl certainly performs worse than most tools for this kind of function. Look at further examples is this page for more fitting applications.

Autotuning Genetic Algorithms

Autotuning LLVM Pass Ordering and Parameters